Sue Hardley

Job Title: Chief Executive Officer

With a passion for advocating for children and supporting staff/organisations through change processes, I joined Parentline in 2015.

Completing Strategic Leadership papers helped me reconnect with the values instilled in me from a young age, in particular to be able to help others.  This study  allowed me to identify my passion for the not-for-profit sector and saw me move from management in the health sector to 8 years in an Area Leadership role with Plunket Waikato prior to my employment as CEO of Parentline.

Playing a role in the development of community lead initiatives, and truly representing the communities we serve, has solidified the reputation and history of Parentline within the Family Violence and Trauma Based Care sectors in the Waikato. I have had the pleasure and the honour of being part of significant change across the sector in our Waikato Area over the last 15 years. This has included a plethora of opportunities from a governance level to front line facilitation alongside our team. All of these initiatives are driving a reform of systems for working with whānau to achieve better outcomes and to build better futures for our vulnerable kids.

On a personal level I have had a history of involvement with and in my own community.  From school boards and sports committees to being a member of the working group which established the Its OK to Ask For Help Campaign in Ōtorohanga and supporting the same kaupapa, serving for 2 years on the board of the Waitomo Waipa Women’s Refuge.

I am indeed a proud resident of Ōtorohanga, our turanagawaewae, and a staunch one-eyed supporter of Ōtorohanga Sports (Rugby) Club. My spare time is spent with my family, I have two daughters and sons-in-law and two wonderful grandchildren Zac and Kanohi-Marama.