
Job Title: Caseworker

My current role is supporting with admin duties and supporting whānau, providing family support, information, advice, parenting help and one on one assistance to identify their needs, goals and aspirations. Supporting their participation in key industries such as housing, education, primary health and employment. By understanding whānau situations and building relationships of trust and confidence with whānau members and taking a unique approach understanding and responding to the needs and circumstances of each whānau.

I have previously worked as a Whānau Ora Navigator in Te Kuiti, which is very similar to the role I am in now advocating and working with families to achieve goals that they set for themselves. Working as a Whānau Ora Navigator I also co-facilitated the Incredible Years parenting programme and was a Whare Ora assessor. I also did the Supporting Early Learning contract, encouraging whanau to enrol their children in early childhood centres and helping the children to transition into schooling linking whanau up with early intervention teachers, speech therapists and helping families overcome barriers that were preventing the children from attending such as transport and food and many other tailored needs.  I thoroughly enjoy working with families who seek and want change for the better.

Outside of work I enjoy the outdoors; going to beaches, fishing, camping, and scenic walks.