
Job Title: Caseworker/Whānau Coordinator

My strong sense of justice, child advocacy, and support for the vulnerable, led me to Parentline. I have been a member of the Parentline team since May 2019.  I recognise the importance of the child’s voice, empowering others, and building and fostering relationships to promote positive change.

My background is in teaching. I am a fully registered Early Childhood Teacher with five and a half years of teaching experience working directly with tamariki, families and whānau. I studied under the New Zealand Early Childhood curriculum “Te Whāriki” a bicultural framework designed specifically for Aotearoa. My teaching theory and practice incorporated a strong focus on relationships, empowerment, holistic development, family & community, belonging and identity.

I hold a Bachelor of Social Sciences Degree with a Psychology major from The University of Waikato. My degree was inspired by my strong interest in community psychology, human development, and behaviour.

A large part of my working career was undertaken at The University of Waikato.  Over a ten year period, I worked in various roles predominantly supporting and advocating for international students from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Outside of work I am a mother, wife, sister, and daughter. An outdoor orientated family we enjoy the beach, camping, fishing, and BBQ’s.  I’m enthusiastic about op shopping, antiques, and home renovation.